Powerful Narrative Registration Form
Please print out the form, complete it, and “snail mail” to us (see address below).
Registration Form: the Powerful Narrative Writing Workshop
Wildacres Retreat Center
Little Switzerland, NC
SEPTEMBER 16 – 20, 2013
Register early to reserve your place in the program. A $200 deposit per person (nonrefundable) will secure your place in the workshop. Full payment of tuition is due no later than August 25, 2013. Tuition is totally non-refundable after this date.
HOME PHONE________________________
CELL PHONE_______________________
EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON_____________________
CONTACT’S PHONE NUMBER:__________________________
ROOMMATE REQUEST (Name):_________________________________
DOUBLE ROOM ($575) ________
SINGLE ROOM ($675) _________
Consider bringing someone you like as a roommate. A roommate will be assigned if your preference is not indicated.
GUEST (non-participating) DOUBLE ROOM ($295) ________ *
TOTAL: _____________________
* Non-participating guest (all meals, no workshop, double room) $295
To secure your place, we require a $200 deposit per person (nonrefundable). Full payment of tuition is due no later than August 25, 2013. After this date, tuition will not be refunded for any reason.
A confirmation of your registration will be sent to you via e-mail. Your check guarantees your spot in the workshop.
Make checks payable to:
Send Registration material to:
Carol Henderson
804 Woodland Avenue
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Questions? cd.henderson@gmail.com
We’ll be sending out more information over the coming weeks.
919-942-2127 (home)
919-619-4873 (cell)